Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Domino falls

Why do magazines keep dying on me? Domino magazine just released their very last issue after 4 years.

It's very a sad day for all mid-range contemporary to modern style with glam and flair home decorators because that was the only magazine left to target that market. Perhaps that market is too small to sustain any special interest magazine. What will happen to those decorators? What will happen to those decorators wannabes, aka, me? What will happen to the rest of my subscription?

Woes to be with me because it hit me once already in October of last year when my all-time favorite magazine - Home magazine flopped. Home was published by the same company as Metropolitan Home which I also hold a subscription. I blamed the failure on their universally generic name. And you know what they did with the rest of my subscription? They shipped me Woman's Day instead. I don't mean any offense to all readers of Woman's Day but Woman's Day is opposite of everything that I stand for. I believe that women are independent, capable and informed and don't need a magazine that just gives sage advice to tell them what to do. I feel ashamed to take it out of my mailbox every month. I would rather be seen with a morally questionable magazine like, Stuff, for example. Perhaps it's not fair to compare Stuff to Woman's Day because Stuff offers so much more. It inspires our young male generation with educating and informative expose such as life as a double agent and gives the young female population a solid reference should they ever want to dress like the object of men's desire. Take that, Woman's Day.

1 comment:

  1. I will miss the days when my master and I sit in bed and read Domino and fantasize all sort of home improvements... RIP, Domino! We loved ya!
